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Our Top Recommended Attractions 2016


                                                                                                          "RECOMMENDED" +27, 28, 29, 30, 45 & 46

TICKET INFORMATION - Upper Rock Nature Reserve

Ref. No. Attraction: References: [A= £10 / C= £ 5 inc's. 2, 10, 20 & 21]

1- Apes Den (10 mins.) ....................... [Upper Rock Fee* / ^Ticket] - Rock Tour,

"World famous Barbary Macaque Apes WW II Tunnels Tour (8) & Military Tour's.

Macaca sylvanus,are actually tail-less monkeys".

From the Queens Balcony View Point, via the "(46) Suspension Bridge (New!)" you can (walk) get

to the Apes Den.

2- St. Michael's Cave (20-25 mins.) .. [Upper Rock Fee* / Ticket] - Rock Tour's.

"Ever since the days of the Romans & beyond".

3- Europa Point (South End) / ........... Lower City Tour & Rock Tour Combined.

Light House /"Pillars Of Hercules"/

where the Med. Sea and the Atlantic

Ocean <> Meets / Harding's battery /

[Polish] General Wladyslaw Sikorski Memorial &

The Cafe-Europa Express, also: the "Shrine of Our Lady of Europe", the "Mosque" &

the "Gibraltar University".

[A= £ 25 /C= £ 12.50]

4- Dolphins Boat Tours (1 hr. 30 mins.)[dep's. from: Marina Bay /Ocean Village].

{ [A= £ 12 /C= £ 5 Return]

5- Cable Car/ Apes at the Top Station [(if part of a Tour (30 mins.), or at your

{ leisure], location: South End-Main Street.

{ You can get to the (45) SKYWALK (New!) via the Cable Car Top Station.

[A= £ 5.00 /C= £ 2.50]

6- Alameda Botanical Gardens and [Gardens FREE, WildLife Park ^ entrance

WildLife Animal Park - some Apes fee applicable,City Tour,if part of another

at the Park ........................................ Tour(30to 40,or at your leisure],

next to the Cable Car Bottom Station.

[A= £ 2.00 /C= £ 1.00]

7- The Gibraltar Museum [Entrance fee applicable, if part of a Tour

4th. Century Moorish Baths ( 45 mins. - 1 hr. ), or at your leisure ],

"Officially opened on the 23rd. July 1930" location : City Centre.

Check - Parody Tours, Gibraltar Tours ✔️


"Gibraltar, the British JEWEL in the Med."

"Top 10 plus! Attractions" GIBRALTAR (page, 2):

Supt. extra:

A= £ 8.00 / C= £ 4.00

8- World War II Tunnels - Rock & [Upper Rock fee*+an additional ^entrance

Fortress, 1939 - 1945 ....................... fee / ticket applicable, walking Guided

Tour of the Tunnels (50 - 55 mins.), check

WW II & Apes Tour, Note: "Beware steep

in areas".

9- Kings Bastion & Leisure Centre ...... [No entrance fee to the Bastion:Cafe/Bar/

[Group Menu's from: 16:00 € (euros) p.p. Rest., Bowling Alley, Ice skating rink,

Rock Bastion Cafe / Bar / Restaurant ] Games Arcade, Internet area ], at your

leisure, #self-Tour of the Bastion (ask for

your#Info.leaflet at the Bastion's[i]Centre).

Location:City Centre,2mins.walk from the

Coach Park & 4 mins. to Main Street.


10- The Great Siege Tunnels ................... [Upper Rock fee* / Ticket] - Best by Taxi

"A most impressive defence system Tour or by Private PARODY Mini -Coach,

devised by man", May 25th. 1782. check Military Tour's, lots of walking &

hilly (visit: at least 45 mins. to 1 hour).


- and -

Many more .... "Places of Interest" & "Things To Do", check >> "all-Gibraltar NetWork" info Map!

11 - Historical Lower City Walking Tours (ref. Let's Go Tours). /


12 - My Wines (4mins. walk from Casemates).

"Wine & Cheese" tasters, from: £8.00 p.p.

13 - Catholic Cathedral (City Centre). /

14 - English Cathedral (Cathedral Sq. near the Gibraltar Museum).

< South End - Main Street >


15 - Kings Chapel (Main St. South, the Governors Residence). /

16 - New! for Summer 2016 - "Gibraltar

[Gibraltar on film ] � Classics *

"@ Ragged Staff " Hall Of Fame".

17 - Heritage Trust Info. Centre & Shop (City Centre/Piazza)./

18 - Church Of Scotland (opp. The Eliott Hotel).

19 - The Eliott Hotel **** (City Centre >"RoofTop Rest."-8th. Floor, + "all day - English Tea" @ the Lounge Bar).

Can be visited on it's own, A=£1.00 / C=50p

20 - 100 Ton Gun / Nelson' Anchorage (Location:Rosia best by Taxi Tour). / 21- Moorish Castle (Upper Rock-

Military Tour's or Taxi Tour).

22 - Methodist Church & Cafeteria (Main St. South). /

23-Synagogue"Nefusot Yehuda"(next to the Museum,

Line Wall Road - to visit: pre-arrangements required).

24 - Catalan Bay Village /Our Lady of Sorrows-Catholic Church(EastSide, Lower City Tour or at your leisure/

{ Rests."Good for Fish Lovers", Bars & Beach).

25 - The Caleta Hotel **** (Location: Catalan Bay Village - "Italian Rest.", + "all day - English Tea" @ the

{ Lounge Bar).

26 - The Rock Hotel ****(Location: Europa Road,"all day-English Tea" @ the Lounge/Wine Bar & Snack Menu).

27 - Jews' Gate "an old Jewish Cemetery, used up until 1848" (Location: Upper Rock Nature Reserve).

"Top 10 plus! Attractions" GIBRALTAR (page, 3):

Refer to: 45 - New ! SkyWalk [You can also get to the "Skywalk" via the (5) Cable Car Top Station].

28 - Mediterranean Steps & O'hara's Battery [at the Summit of the Rock - 426m (1,400ft.) above sea level]

(Location: Upper Rock N.R.- Jews' Gate, "a Guided Walking Tour can be arranged", 3 to 4hrs., note: it's hilly,

steep steps and uneven ground, also, a Taxi Tour can be arranged to O'HARA's Battery).

29 - Queens Balcony "View Point-Over the City" (Upper Rock N.R., Rock Tours ------- Balcony named after

{ HM Queen EII visit to Gibraltar, May 1954).

{ Via the Queens Balcony, you can get to the (46) Suspension Bridge (New!) & to the Apes Den.


30 - Lower St. Michael's Cave (Upper Rock N.R. - "a Guided Tour can be arranged", need to climb & pot-hole).


31- Gibraltar Crystal - "Glass Making Exhibition" FREE (Location: Casemates Square, Main Street 'North').


Free 32 - (John Mackintosh Square - City Centre / City Hall). / 33 - The Trafalgar Cemetery - Nelson's

Also, on exhibition works by:Gustavo Bacarisas, Statue (South End - Main Street) and

Jacobo Azagury, Rudesindo Mannia & Leni Mifsud. Charles V Wall - Opp. Ragged Staff.

34 - Gibraltar ART Gallery Exhibition & 

35 - Marina Bay, Ocean Village (Location: opp.Casemates Gates,

Shop (City Centre - Opposite Admiral Casino (see: 42), Dolphin Boat Tours, Bars, Rests.,

the Cannon Bar). (Shopping, Sunborn Yacht Hotel ***** & Casino (see: 43).


36 - Queensway Quay Marina (Location: Queensway, Bars & Rest.). / 37 - Diving. / 38 - Fishing. E: info@divegib.giDive Charters

39 - Bird-watching 

40 - Parson's Lodge Battery (dating from 1875, Location: Rosia Bay - ref. Gib Museum).

(Over 200 species of Migratory Bird recorded).


NEW! 41 - Northern Defences - "1,000 Years of Military History" (ref. the Gibraltar Heritage Trust - Walking Tours).


42 - Admiral Casino (Gaming & Lounge Cafe / Bar, Snacks, Rest., Location: Marina Bay / Ocean Village).


43 - Sunborn Yacht Hotel ***** & Casino ("all day - English Tea", Cafe, Rest.,Wine Bar Lounge /Ocean Village). Main Street "Shopping" plus!


44 - SHOPPING ("Casemates Sq.", "Chatham Counterguard", "Main Street - North", "Irish Town",

"Engineer Lane", "Cornwall's Parade", "City Mill Lane", "Governor's Street",

"Governor's Parade", "Library Ramp", "Main Street - City Centre & Piazza",

"Cannon Lane", "Cathedral Square", "Main Street - South").

45 - SkyWalk (NEW!) Refer to 28 & 5. /

46 - Suspension Bridge (NEW!) Refer to 29 & 1.

for more info. contact: "all-Gibraltar NetWork" at E:

T: 00 (350) 200 76070

Address: Parody Tours - 1941:The Old Bank,

PO Box 941, 17 / 21 Cannon Lane,

Gibraltar, [GBZ],

GX11 1AA

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