Now here is something special, Gibraltar has been approved as a UNSECO WORLD HERITIGE SITE - The Gorham's Cave Complex has been the heart of Neanderthal studies over the past years and after finding historic artifacts recently a Neanderthal Cave scratching on the rocks "art" which has proved that the Neanderthals where more advanced than we had previously thought.
The team at PARODY TOURS are working to offer you a tour to GORHAMS CAVES as an EXCURSION and are in talks with the relevant parties to make this happen!
What an amazing experience! Another reason to visit Gibraltar.
On our Rock tours, we stop at Europa Point, from here you can see the World Heritige Site caves from distance.
The only way to potentially visit the Caves close up would be by boat.
We will soon be looking to offer GORHAMS CAVE EXPEDITION TOUR BY BOAT, and we will be keeping you posted on developments here.